
About the Motor Page

The Motor Page started on Blogger in August 2012, after a visit to Dunsfold Wings and Wheels. It’s been on quite a journey from then until it’s arrived here at WordPress. While it started with a short piece on the heritage of a Routemaster bus, it’s since digested two years worth of grands prix, headed to the Geneva Motor Show and now tries to find a treat every Wednesday for your delectation. While keeping up with the Motor Page hasn’t always been easy, hopefully this move to WordPress will mean it will reach out to more of you, as well as giving the site the space to breathe, grow and live.


About Amber Maren

Aside from the unusual name (the middle of which most people can’t pronounce), she is chiefly known for always wearing odd socks and for frequently changing the colour of her hair. While she doesn’t claim to be the next Ayrton Senna, she loves driving and believes that all cars have personalities and as such, should have names.

When not writing about cars she likes baking and being contrary.